Reach Magazine to launch valuable resource for marketers
ST. LOUIS, MO, July 25, 2017 – RBO PrintLogistix will be publishing REACH Magazine, a free resource for marketing leaders that provides strategic insight, trending ideas, and qualified thought leadership. This unique resource equips businesses with thought-provoking articles about marketing happenings today and in the future.
REACH Magazine is focused on what marketers care about and how they define themselves. It is completely and relentlessly dedicated to marketing minds. The magazine features interviews with some of the brightest minds and best-known marketing executives in the world.
REACH Magazine is designed to be a short, succinct read that covers a wide range of marketing topics such as strategy, customer service, philosophy, and best practices. The magazine will be released on a bimonthly basis and is created for business professionals. “I wanted to create a resource that allows readers to explore the latest in marketing leadership while giving them unique insights from some of the top leaders in the marketing world,” said Jim Riley, publisher of REACH Magazine, commenting on where the idea of the magazine came from.
The top stories are online at http://www.rboinc.com/reach-magazine/ and is easily read on mobile. You can also follow REACH Magazine on Twitter. If you would like a FREE print subscription to REACH Magazine with exclusive content not featured online, please follow this link at http://info.rboinc.com/reach-magazine-engage-marketing-minds-subscribe-now
About RBO PrintLogistix:
Founded in 1985, RBO PrintLogistix serves multiple industries and is the print collateral and promotional product supplier for over 500 clients in the Midwest and across the country using unique technology solutions to simplify the client experience. RBO PrintLogistix is based in St. Louis, MO and has embraced technologies such as Web-to-Print storefronts and digital asset management services. RBO PrintLogistix implements the entire supply chain from concept, design, sourcing, printing, distribution, and warehousing to ensure cost savings and effective fulfillment for any project, no matter how complex. Follow RBO PrintLogistix on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.