If you’re looking for printing solutions, you probably have more than just price, reliability, and overall reputation in mind. You also want to know that your potential partner is environmentally conscious.
That’s why RBO PrintLogistix doesn’t just talk the talk about green initiatives. We make our best effort to walk the walk. One example is our participation in the St. Louis Green Business Challenge.
Rising to the Green Business Challenge
The St. Louis Green Business Challenge (SLGBC) is an initiative run by the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce. It’s designed to help companies follow sustainable business practices through the guidance of a Challenge Scorecard.
The Challenge began five years ago. To say that it has been a success would be an understatement. There are now about 150 businesses involved. They’re learning how to run greener in ways that often benefit both the environment and the bottom line.
There are many good reasons for commercial printing services and other companies that care about the environment to join the SLGBC. First and foremost, it means you don't have to be a lone wolf anymore. Rather than simply continuing to implement energy-saving strategies ad hoc and hope that they work, you can tap into SLGBC resources to get advice that increases the yield from your green initiatives.
RBO PrintLogistix has benefited from the green consulting services of the EarthWays Center staff of the Missouri Botanical Garden, available through SLGBC. But we’ve probably gotten just as much benefit from networking with other companies in the St. Louis area that are focusing on being better corporate citizens of Planet Earth. And we always look forward to the special events, workshops, and seminars the SLGBC makes available to us.
What it Means to Be Green
One of the biggest benefits of getting involved in SLGBC was the opportunity to partner with Verdiem, an Aptean company. Among other things, Verdiem makes PC Power software that manages the inactivity of computers throughout an organization—resulting in impressive savings. This software provides essential analytics as part of our green consulting service.
Another big benefit has been the SLGBC scorecard, which helps keep us on track towards our green goals. The scorecard lets us measure our progress in the categories of Outreach, Energy, Indoor Environmental Quality, Waste, Water, and Transportation.
Our “green committee” at RBO refers to the scorecard frequently as they meet each month to evaluate our progress. By focusing on scoring more points on the scorecard, they help ensure we’ll continue to make tangible improvements in our green initiatives. The scorecard also gives the committee plenty of ideas for untapped areas in which we can make improvements and achieve savings.
How are we doing so far? Well, when we set out on this journey, we set “attainable goals” and “stretch goals” in several categories. I’m happy to report we’ve met our more attainable goals, and we’re making speedy progress towards our stretch goals. If we can do it, so can your company!
In my next article, I’ll share specifics about the areas in which your organization can not only help save the planet, but also save money.